An ideal workplace- illusion or reality?

An ideal workplace- illusion or reality?

understanding the quest of your people

Visualization of an Ideal Work Place differs from person to person working in different professional setups , geographies & cultures. While the quest for finding an ideal workplace leads many young bright minds to hop through a series of organizations, sooner or later, with experience and time one realizes that the quest was actually for a “mirage”. Does an “ideal workplace” even exists in reality ? Perhaps yes and no both… 

“Change is the only constant” and this is true for workplaces as well…

An Organization goes through several transitions through its evolution cycle, adjusting itself to steer in the ever changing external environment.While it grows, the overall culture and values also change as new insights, beliefs, ethical values, styles etc are brought on board through people joining from diverse organization. Some organizations who have exceptional leaders at helm, are able to preserve the core values and culture for a longer duration than the others, by investing duly and  consciously in preserving the core values and org culture as they grow. Yet, sooner or later, a cultural change becomes inevitable.

Understanding the impact of evolution of a workplace…

Whenever there is change in middle  or higher layers of leaderships, people down below are expected to  try and adjust their working style according to the new cultural values of the new leaders. This is essential and important for them from multiple points of view :

  • A person aligned to the organizational Culture and vision is more likely to understand the expectations and perform in better interest of the larger organization.
  • The more a number of employees aligned to the cultural values, the better cohesiveness and association exists with the organization.
  • The overall experience from the work, bosses, environment and the rewards is , hence more appealing.
  • Such employees are more likely to spread their leaders’ values and help a longer and consistent employee experience before another cultural shift becomes inevitable.

Reality for some and a mirage for the rest

Till the time one is able to associate with the organizational values and culture, there exists a sense of harmony, serenity and satisfaction around the workplace which makes it appear like an “Ideal Workplace”. For those who are able to understand and adapt to changing organizational cultures, commensurate rewards follow and their quest for an “Ideal Workplace” ends, though temporarily until the next set of changes meet them head on. Those , not able to adjust continue with their quest “elsewhere”.
The sole truth therefore, of an “Ideal Workplace” is that it does exist but is never permanent. Both the Employers and Employees have to make conscious efforts to make the current workplace an Ideal one , through understanding and adapting to the core culture. If you’re not able to associate with the current organizational culture, its better to quit asap and pursue your quest elsewhere, where you are able to relate better with the values and beliefs.

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